Results for 'Mabel Wai Lin Eickemeyer'

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  1. Neuroplastic changes in resting-state functional connectivity after stroke rehabilitation.Yang-Teng Fan, Ching-yi Wu, Ho-Ling Liu, Keh-Chung Lin, Yau-yau Wai & Yao-Liang Chen - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:148968.
    Most neuroimaging research in stroke rehabilitation mainly focuses on the neural mechanisms underlying the natural history of post-stroke recovery. However, connectivity mapping from resting-state fMRI is well suited for different neurological conditions and provides a promising method to explore plastic changes for treatment-induced recovery from stroke. We examined the changes in resting-state functional connectivity (RS-FC) of the ipsilesional primary motor cortex (M1) in 10 post-acute stroke patients before and immediately after 4 weeks of robot-assisted bilateral arm therapy (RBAT). Motor performance, (...)
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    A Brief Mindfulness-Based Family Psychoeducation Intervention for Chinese Young Adults With First Episode Psychosis: A Study Protocol.Herman Hay-Ming Lo, Wing-Chung Ho, Elsa Ngar-Sze Lau, Chun-Wai Lo, Winnie W. S. Mak, Siu-Man Ng, Samuel Yeung-Shan Wong, Jessica Oi-Yin Wong, Simon S. Y. Lui, Cola Siu-Lin Lo, Edmund Chiu-Lun Lin, Man-Fai Poon, Kong Choi & Cressida Wai-Ching Leung - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  3. Chinese-language film: historiography, poetics, politics.Chris Berry, David Bordwell, Stephen Yiu-wai Chu, Shuqin Cui, Darrell W. Davis, David Desser, Mary Farquhar, Xiaoping Lin, Sheldon H. Lu & Thomas Luk - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    Zai xin yang zhi wai: cong ke xue jiao du tan xin nian = BEYOND FAITH.Jixing Lin - 2016 - BEYOND FAITH:
    你是在追求信仰?還是被迷信束縛? 本書共分九章,先以宏觀與求真的角度,剖析信仰的層層迷思,再闡述宗教的誕生與演化,並證明宗教的經典與文物皆是人為的著作,更沒有所謂的「神的指示」,而天堂與地獄更是經不起科學的驗證。最末進一步地論述現代科 技揭穿了許多偽造的神蹟,以及我們應該如何善用科學來瞭解自然現象和對鬼神的疑惑。全書從人文、哲學、社會、考古、心理、物理、化學、腦神經等科學角度,解析信仰並破除迷信,以釐清真相與幻影。本書作者曾任科學月 刊社理事長與總編輯,以科學及人文的角度,檢視所謂的「神蹟」!.
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  5. Zhongguo wen hua de "wai zai chao yue" zhi lu: lun Taiwan xin shi lin zhe xue.Kaijun Geng - 1999 - Beijing: Dang dai Zhongguo chu ban she.
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    Nei sheng wai wang: ru dao si xiang de fa zhan.Jian Li - 2001 - [Shenyang]: Liao hai chu ban she. Edited by Dan Xie.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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  7. The experience requirement on well-being.Eden Lin - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (3):867-886.
    According to the experience requirement on well-being, differences in subjects’ levels of welfare or well-being require differences in the phenomenology of their experiences. I explain why the two existing arguments for this requirement are not successful. Then, I introduce a more promising argument for it: that unless we accept the requirement, we cannot plausibly explain why only sentient beings are welfare subjects. I argue, however, that because the right kind of theory of well-being can plausibly account for that apparent fact (...)
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  8. Rationalism and Necessitarianism.Martin Lin - 2012 - Noûs 46 (3):418-448.
    Metaphysical rationalism, the doctrine which affirms the Principle of Sufficient Reason (the PSR), is out of favor today. The best argument against it is that it appears to lead to necessitarianism, the claim that all truths are necessarily true. Whatever the intuitive appeal of the PSR, the intuitive appeal of the claim that things could have been otherwise is greater. This problem did not go unnoticed by the great metaphysical rationalists Spinoza and Leibniz. Spinoza’s response was to embrace necessitarianism. Leibniz’s (...)
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  9. Taiwanese Marxist Buddhism and Its Lessons for Modern Times.Ting-An Lin - forthcoming - Australasian Philosophical Review.
    In ‘Equity and Marxist Buddhism,’ Tzu-wei Hung engages with the Marxist Buddhism developed by Taiwanese philosopher Lin Qiu-wu in the 1920s, brings this underexplored theory to the table and discusses a few merits and insights of the theory. Building on Hung’s analysis, this paper paper elaborates on the lessons and insights that Taiwanese Marxist Buddhism provides for modern times. The first three lessons are distinctive points that Taiwanese Marxist Buddhism brings to the discussion on combining Marxism and Buddhism: the connections (...)
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  10. How to Use the Experience Machine.Eden Lin - 2016 - Utilitas 28 (3):314-332.
    The experience machine was traditionally thought to refute hedonism about welfare. In recent years, however, the tide has turned: many philosophers have argued not merely that the experience machine doesn't rule out hedonism, but that it doesn't count against it at all. I argue for a moderate position between those two extremes: although the experience machine doesn't decisively rule out hedonism, it provides us with some reason to reject it. I also argue for a particular way of using the experience (...)
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  11. Artificial Intelligence in a Structurally Unjust Society.Ting-An Lin & Po-Hsuan Cameron Chen - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3/4):Article 3.
    Increasing concerns have been raised regarding artificial intelligence (AI) bias, and in response, efforts have been made to pursue AI fairness. In this paper, we argue that the idea of structural injustice serves as a helpful framework for clarifying the ethical concerns surrounding AI bias—including the nature of its moral problem and the responsibility for addressing it—and reconceptualizing the approach to pursuing AI fairness. Using AI in healthcare as a case study, we argue that AI bias is a form of (...)
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  12. The Subjective List Theory of Well-Being.Eden Lin - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (1):99-114.
    A subjective list theory of well-being is one that accepts both pluralism (the view that there is more than one basic good) and subjectivism (the view, roughly, that every basic good involves our favourable attitudes). Such theories have been neglected in discussions of welfare. I argue that this is a mistake. I introduce a subjective list theory called disjunctive desire satisfactionism, and I argue that it is superior to two prominent monistic subjectivist views: desire satisfactionism and subjective desire satisfactionism. In (...)
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  13. Pluralism about Well‐Being.Eden Lin - 2014 - Philosophical Perspectives 28 (1):127-154.
    Theories of well-being purport to identify the basic goods and bads whose presence in a person's life determines how well she is faring. Monism is the view that there is only one basic good and one basic bad. Pluralism is the view that there is either more than one basic good or more than one basic bad. In this paper, I give an argument for pluralism that is general in the sense that it does not purport to identify any basic (...)
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    Two Kinds of Desire Theory of Well-Being.Eden Lin - 2022 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 46:55-86.
    Which entities should the desire theory of well-being deem basically good for you—good for you in the most fundamental way? On the object view, what is basically good for you when one of your desires is satisfied is the object of that desire. On the combo view, what is basically good for you when one of your desires is satisfied is the combination or conjunction of the object of that desire and the fact that you have that desire. I argue (...)
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  15. The power of reason in Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2009 - In Olli Koistinen, The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza's Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Mysterious Relations to the East.Lin Ma - 2008 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 39 (3):275-292.
    In The Mysterious Relations to the East, Lin Ma takes a stance against a recent trend to see in Heidegger a thinker whose thought has been formed in an 'intercultural dialogue' with the Asian, Oriental tradition of thinking. In fact, Lin Ma demonstrates, words like 'Morning-Land', 'Orient', 'East' or 'Asia' can be shown to refer in each case to the beginning of philosophy in preSocratic, Greek thought. Thus to speak of the "mysterious relations [of philosophy] to the East" is not (...)
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  17. Teleology and human action in Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (3):317-354.
    Cover Date: July 2006.Source Info: 115(3), 317-354. Language: English. Journal Announcement: 41-2. Subject: ACTION; CAUSATION; METAPHYSICS; REPRESENTATION; TELEOLOGY. Subject Person: SPINOZA, BENEDICT DE (BARUCH). Update Code: 20130315.
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  18. Asymmetrism about Desire Satisfactionism and Time.Eden Lin - 2017 - In Mark C. Timmons, Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Vol 7. Oxford University Press. pp. 161-183.
    Desire-satisfaction theories of welfare must answer the timing question: when do you benefit from the satisfaction of one of your desires? There are three existing views about this: the Time of Desire view, on which you benefit at just those times when you have the desire; the Time of Object view, on which you benefit just when the object of your desire obtains; and Concurrentism, on which you benefit just when you have the desire and its object obtains. This paper (...)
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    Corporate Board and Corporate Social Responsibility Assurance: Evidence from China.Lin Liao, Teng Lin & Yuyu Zhang - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):211-225.
    This paper investigates the association between board characteristics and the company’s corporate social responsibility assurance decision in China. By examining 2054 firm-years of Chinese listed companies with CSR reports from 2008 to 2012, we find that firms with a large board size, more female directors, and separation of CEO and chairman positions are more likely to engage in CSR assurance. Gender diversity also influences the CSR assurance provider choice. However, board independence and overseas background of the CEO do not affect (...)
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  20. Monism and Pluralism.Eden Lin - 2015 - In Guy Fletcher, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being. New York,: Routledge. pp. 331-41.
    I argue that the distinction between monism and pluralism about well-being should be understood in terms of explanation: the monist affirms (but the pluralist denies) that whenever two particular things are basically good for you, the explanation of their basic goodness for you is the same. I then consider a number of arguments for monism and a number of arguments for pluralism.
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  21. Prudence, Morality, and the Humean Theory of Reasons.Eden Lin - 2015 - Philosophical Quarterly 65 (259):220-240.
    Humeans about normative reasons claim that there is a reason for you to perform a given action if and only if this would promote the satisfaction of one of your desires. Their view has traditionally been thought to have the revisionary implication that an agent can sometimes lack any reason to do what morality or prudence requires. Recently, however, Mark Schroeder has denied this. If he is right, then the Humean theory accords better with common sense than it has been (...)
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  22. Why and When Employees Like to Speak up More Under Humble Leaders? The Roles of Personal Sense of Power and Power Distance.Xiaoshuang Lin, Zhen Xiong Chen, Herman H. M. Tse, Wu Wei & Chao Ma - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):937-950.
    Research investigating the underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions under which leader humility influences employee voice remains underdeveloped. Drawing from approach–inhibition theory of power and leader humility literature, we developed a moderated-mediation model in which personal sense of power was theorized as a unique mechanism underlining why employees feel motivated to speak up under the supervision of humble leaders. Additionally, the cultural value of power distance was proposed to be a relevant boundary condition to influence such relationship. We tested the model (...)
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  23. Wittgenstein's Private Language Investigation.Francis Y. Lin - 2016 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (4):257-281.
    In this paper, I first review previous interpretations of Wittgenstein's remarks on private language, revealing their inadequacies, and then present my own interpretation. Basing mainly on Wittgenstein's notes for lectures on private sensations, I establish the following points: ‘remembering the connection right’ means ‘reidentifying sensation-types’; the reason for ‘no criterion of correctness’ is that nothing, especially no inner mechanisms nor external devices, can be utilised by the private speaker to tell whether some sensations are of one type or different types; (...)
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    Transformational Leadership and Employees’ Thriving at Work: The Mediating Roles of Challenge-Hindrance Stressors.Chun pei Lin, Jialiang Xian, Baixun Li & Haimei Huang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25. The Logic of Counterfactuals and the Epistemology of Causal Inference.Hanti Lin - manuscript
    The 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics recognized an epistemology of causal inference based on the Rubin causal model (Rubin 1974), which merits broader attention in philosophy. This model, in fact, presupposes a logical principle of counterfactuals, Conditional Excluded Middle (CEM), the locus of a pivotal debate between Stalnaker (1968) and Lewis (1973) on the semantics of counterfactuals. Proponents of CEM should recognize that this connection points to a new argument for CEM---a Quine-Putnam indispensability argument grounded in the Nobel-winning applications of (...)
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    Government–Business Partnerships for Radical Eco-Innovation.Haiying Lin - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (3):533-573.
    This study assessed whether and how government–business partnerships offer a unique platform that targets profound environmental impacts via the promotion of radical eco-innovation. It applied transactional cost and complementary logics to explain the rationale of GBP formation for radical eco-innovation, and further assessed the operation of GBPs from governance, learning, and rulemaking aspects. This study applied propensity score matching technique to empirically test these theoretical associations using 225 observations representing 166 U.S. firms’ participation in 192 environmental alliances between 1985 and (...)
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  27. Memory and Personal Identity in Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2005 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 35 (2):243-268.
    Locke is often thought to have introduced the topic of personal identity into philosophy when, in the second edition of theEssay,he distinguished the person from both the human being and the soul. Each of these entities differs from the others with respect to their identity conditions, and so they must be ontologically distinct. In particular, Locke claimed, a person cannot survive total memory loss, although a human being or a soul can.
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    ASSAT: computing answer sets of a logic program by SAT solvers.Fangzhen Lin & Yuting Zhao - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 157 (1-2):115-137.
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    Thinking more or thinking differently? Using drift-diffusion modeling to illuminate why accuracy prompts decrease misinformation sharing.Hause Lin, Gordon Pennycook & David G. Rand - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105312.
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    The Experience of Being Oneself in Memory: Exploring Sense of Identity via Observer Memory.Ying-Tung Lin - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2):405-422.
    Every episodic memory entails a sense of identity, which allows us to mentally travel through time. There is a special way by which the subject who is remembering comes into contact with the self that is embedded in the episodic simulation of memory: we can directly and robustly experience the protagonist in memory as ourselves. This paper explores what constitutes such experience in memory. On the face of it, the issue may seem trivial: of course, we are able to entertain (...)
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  31. The Hard Problem of Theory Choice: A Case Study on Causal Inference and Its Faithfulness Assumption.Hanti Lin - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):967-980.
    The problem of theory choice and model selection is hard but still important when useful truths are underdetermined, perhaps not by all kinds of data but by the kinds of data we can have access to ethically or practicably—even if we have an infinity of such data. This article addresses a crucial instance of that problem: the problem of inferring causal structures from nonexperimental, nontemporal data without assuming the so-called causal Faithfulness condition or the like. A new account of epistemic (...)
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    The Link Between (Not) Practicing CSR and Corporate Reputation: Psychological Foundations and Managerial Implications.Nick Lin-Hi & Igor Blumberg - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):185-198.
    It is often assumed that corporate social responsibility is a very promising way for corporations to improve their reputations, and a positive link between practicing CSR and corporate reputation is supported by empirical evidence. However, little is known about the mechanisms that underlie this relationship. In addition, the effects of not practicing CSR on corporate reputation have received little attention thus far. This paper contributes to the literature by analyzing the cause-and-effect relationships between practicing CSR and corporate reputation. To this (...)
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  33. Substance, attribute, and mode in Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (2):144–153.
    Some of Spinoza's most well‐known doctrines concern what kinds of beings there are and how they are related to each other. For example, he claims that: (1) there is only one substance; (2) this substance has infinitely many attributes; (3) this substance is God or nature; (4) each of these attributes express the divine essence; and (5) all else is a mode of the one substance. These claims have so astonished many of his readers that some of them have surely (...)
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  34. Leibniz on the Modal Status of Absolute Space and Time.Martin Lin - 2015 - Noûs 50 (3):447-464.
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    Medical Individualism or Medical Familism? A Critical Analysis of China’s New Guidelines for Informed Consent: The Basic Norms of the Documentation of the Medical Record.Lin Bian - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (4):371-386.
    Modern Western medical individualism has had a significant impact on health care in China. This essay demonstrates the ways in which such Western-style individualism has been explicitly endorsed in China’s 2010 directive: The Basic Norms of the Documentation of the Medical Record. The Norms require that the patient himself, rather than a member of his family, sign each informed consent form. This change in clinical practice indicates a shift toward medical individualism in Chinese healthcare legislation. Such individualism, however, is incompatible (...)
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    Visual Perspectives in Episodic Memory and the Sense of Self.Ying-Tung Lin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Interpretation and the Implied Author: A Descriptive Project.Szu-Yen Lin - 2018 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 56 (1):83-100.
    The utterance model is a popular basis for theories of interpretation in the contemporary analytic philosophy of literature. This model suggests that interpretation should be constrained by a work's identity‐relevant factors in its context of production because a work, like an utterance, acquires its identity and content in part from its relations with that context. From a descriptive point of view, I argue that the implied author account of interpretation best describes critical practice following the current positions based on the (...)
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    The Contingency of the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles in Leibniz.Martin Lin - 2025 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 63 (1):75-96.
    abstract: Leibniz holds that there are no two perfectly similar things, a doctrine he calls the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles (the PII). What is his attitude toward its modal status? Most commentators hold that the principle is best understood as a necessary truth because it is allegedly entailed by doctrines such as the conceptual containment theory of truth, the Principle of Sufficient Reason (the PSR), and the denial of purely extrinsic denominations, which are arguably regarded by Leibniz as (...)
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    Translating Chuang Tzu into world literature: text and context.Jiaxin Lin, Xinbing Yu, Song Liu, Mingqiao Luo & Yukun Chen - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (1):121-142.
    Resumo: Chuang Tzu (《庄子》), como um cânone tradicional chinês, foi traduzido para o inglês por mais de 100 anos, desde 1881, conquistando com sucesso um nicho no reino da literatura mundial, que se tornou um evento cultural devastador na academia de sinologia ultramarina e literatura mundial. Segundo as estatísticas, o livro foi traduzido em 12 traduções completas, 50 traduções selecionadas e duas adaptações. No processo de metamorfose da “tradução completa - tradução profunda - retradução diversificada”, passou por quatro fases, nomeadamente (...)
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    Thinking with Zhuangzi and Su Shi against Heidegger on Artwork.Ma Lin - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (3):809-845.
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    An Empirical Study on the Dairy Product Consumers’ Intention to Adopt the Food Traceability’s Technology: Push-Pull-Mooring Model Integrated by D&M ISS Model and TPB With ITM.Xin Lin & Run-Ze Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Against the backdrop of frequent food safety problems, the importance of establishing food traceability systems has become increasingly important and urgent to address the contradiction between consumer information on safe food choices and the proliferation of problematic foods. The purpose of this study is to empirically study the influencing factors of Chinese consumers on the food traceability system in the food safety field. In this study, multiple models—push factor, pull factor, mooring factor, and switching intention—were integrated into the push-pulling-mooring theory (...)
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    A logic of knowledge and justified assumptions.Fangzhen Lin & Yoav Shoham - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 57 (2-3):271-289.
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    The impact of committee caracteristics on the success of healthcare ethics committees.Lin Guo & Ida C. Schick - 2003 - HEC Forum 15 (3):287-299.
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  44. Development and pilot testing of an informed consent video for patients with limb trauma prior to debridement surgery using a modified Delphi technique.Yen-Ko Lin, Chao-Wen Chen, Wei-Che Lee, Tsung-Ying Lin, Liang-Chi Kuo, Chia-Ju Lin, Leiyu Shi, Yin-Chun Tien & Yuan-Chia Cheng - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):1-12.
    Background Ensuring adequate informed consent for surgery in a trauma setting is challenging. We developed and pilot tested an educational video containing information regarding the informed consent process for surgery in trauma patients and a knowledge measure instrument and evaluated whether the audiovisual presentation improved the patients’ knowledge regarding their procedure and aftercare and their satisfaction with the informed consent process. Methods A modified Delphi technique in which a panel of experts participated in successive rounds of shared scoring of items (...)
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    A Review and Prospect for the Complexity and Resilience of Urban Public Transit Network Based on Complex Network Theory.Lin Zhang, Jian Lu, Bai-bai Fu & Shu-bin Li - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-36.
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    To Share or Not to Share: Assessing Knowledge Sharing, Interemployee Helping, and Their Antecedents Among Online Knowledge Workers.Chieh-Peng Lin & Sheng-Wuu Joe - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (4):439 - 449.
    Sharing and helping are important issues in ethical research. This study proposes a model based on flow theory by postulating key antecedents as the critical drivers of knowledge sharing and interemployee helping. Flow is the holistic sensation that employees feel when they act with total immersion and engagement, facilitating individuals' reciprocal activities such as knowledge sharing and interemployee helping. In the proposed model, knowledge sharing is influenced by flow experience directly and also indirectly via the mediation of interemployee helping. Accordingly, (...)
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  47. Affirmation, judgment, and epistemic theodicy in Descartes and Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2019 - In Brian Andrew Ball & Christoph Schuringa, The Act and Object of Judgment: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    Counterpart Theory as a Semantics for Modal Logic.Lin Woollaston - 1994 - Logique Et Analyse 37 (147-148):255-263.
    A claim by David K. Lewis (1986) that his counterpart theory provides a semantics for intensional languages is critiqued by showing that basic principles of modal logic fail to be valid in counterpart theory & by investigating problematic counterpart-theoretical translations of instances of universal instantiation. From Lewis's postulate that individuals inhabit only one world & have counterparts in other worlds, it follows that the relation between an object & its counterparts is nontransitive & nonsymmetric; consequently, an object does not need (...)
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    Who Would the Person Be after a Head Transplant? A Confucian Reflection.Lin Bian & Ruiping Fan - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (2):210-229.
    This essay draws on classical Confucian intellectual resources to argue that the person who emerges from a head transplant would be neither the person who provided the head, nor the person who provided the body, but a new, different person. We construct two types of argument to support this conclusion: one is based on the classical Confucian metaphysics of human life as qi activity; the other is grounded in the Confucian view of personal identity as being inseparable from one’s familial (...)
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    A Proof-Theoretic Approach to Negative Translations in Intuitionistic Tense Logics.Zhe Lin & Minghui Ma - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (5):1255-1289.
    A cut-free Gentzen sequent calculus for Ewald’s intuitionistic tense logic \ is established. By the proof-theoretic method, we prove that, for every set of strictly positive implications S, the classical tense logic \ is embedded into its intuitionistic analogue \ via Kolmogorov, Gödel–Genzten and Kuroda translations respectively. A sufficient and necessary condition for Glivenko type theorem in tense logics is established.
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